Stop Doing What You Suck At

It's my last day in Nashville (thank god!  I can't eat ANY MORE!).  

I've been reflecting on everything I've seen, learned, and connected about over the last few days.  I'll be sharing lots of little nuggets with you over the coming weeks, but there's 1 conversation that's fresh in my mind and oh so applicable to every woman at every stage...

I had a late night chat with my coach and mentor, Sarah.  She's really against all things corporate.  I'm decidedly not. But we could agree on one thing:  Performance reviews SUCK.

First they tell you what you kinda suck at. Then they tell you what you suck at more. THEN, they wrap it up by telling you what you suck at most.

Not only is this approach totally demoralizing, but it does absolutely NOTHING for making you more effective.

Here's the thing: your weaknesses will always be your weaknesses; improving on them will allow you to grow by inches.

You are driven and high achieving... improving at snail speed is just not going to work for you.  But there's a much better way.

Your strengths came naturally to you and increasing and capitalizing on your strengths allows you to develop by leaps and bounds.   Remember, there is more than one right answer.  Are you stopping at the first "right answer" just because it's the one that's always been shown to you?

I dive deep into this topic in Week 1 of my Ultimate Self-Care Program because I've found this simple shift breeds confidence and clarity and takes "work smarter, not harder" from cliche to practical, but you don't have to wait for me to get started.  

You can uncover your top 5 strengths right here (I'm not an affiliate; I just really believe in this).  

My top 5 strengths?  Learner, Analytical, Achiever, Relator, Responsibility.  What are yours?

Once you've uncovered your strengths, it's time to reverse engineer your biggest projects to lead with your strengths. 

If this process seems daunting or overwhelming, let's chat about the best way for you to move forward.  Schedule a complimentary call with me today >>