Chia Seeds Are Blowing Up
Literally – these little suckers expand like nobody’s business. They’ve even been featured recently in the New York Times... the true measure of whether or not a seed has ‘made it’.
So what’s up with their explosion on the health food scene? Here’s a crash course on why these little powerhouses are good for you (+ my favorite chia seed recipe).
1. Oodles of Fiber
These incredible ‘super seeds’ contain 11 grams of fiber per ounce (2 tablespoons) – which is 42% of your recommended daily value of fiber in a single serving.
Bonus tip: Since fiber slows digestion and makes you feel fuller by soaking up fluid and expanding in your digestive tract, it can be a great way to start your day, especially if you’re trying to lose weight!
2. Rich in Omegas
Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids are essential and most of us are not getting enough of them. Chia seeds give you a boost of both.
Bonus tip: Omegas can also help you clear away that nasty brain fog that sets in every afternoon. Add 2 tablespoons of chia seeds to a glass of water to get your fill.
3. Healthy Fats
We’ve been down this road together before, but let’s go there again. Fats are absolutely necessary in a healthy diet. Chia seeds pack 9 grams of fat per ounce, which can be as much 15-20% of your daily required value.
Bonus tip: If you want to get the skinny on fats, check out What’s Fat Got To Do With It from the archives.
4. Fill’er Up
Have you ever had a chia pet? You know how it plumps right up when you add water? That’s all because of the chia seeds. When mixed with water, chia forms a gel. Why do you care? Research suggests:
When this happens in your stomach, the gel may keep you feeling fuller longer.
The gel acts as a natural detoxifier, by grabbing and flushing out toxins in your system.
Bonus tip: The chia gel also allows you to make a super healthy & yummy dessert that satisfies in under 2 minutes prep time.
Chai Chia Seed Pudding
Prep Time: 2 minutes Wait Time: 2 hours Serves: 2-4 people
1 cup cooled decaf Chai tea (brewed strong) (sub: ½ cup Vanilla Unsweetened Almond Milk for a creamier texture) ½ cup chia seeds 1.5-2 teaspoons maple syrup (to taste) 1 teaspoon vanilla extract Dash Himalayan sea salt (to taste) 1 cup of your favorite fruits and nuts (optional). I like: -Mixed berries & pistachios -Diced pears & cashews -Mashed banana & peanuts
Mix chai, chia seeds, 1.5 teaspoons maple syrup, and vanilla and refrigerate for 1 hour. At 1 hour mark, stir the mixture and add in any additional maple syrup (taste first). Refrigerate an additional 1 hr+, top with sea salt, fruits and nuts & enjoy!