Recipe for Success: Lessons Learned at Beachbody Coach Summit

I spent 3 days last week at BeachbodyCoach Summit 2013 in Las Vegas.  It was a whirlwind filled with celebrity trainer workouts, team building, and personal development.  I’m honestly still reeling a little from the experience; I felt like I didn’t STOP the whole time I was there (which seems very unhealth-coachy), but the excitement and buzz of the 7,000 other coaches in attendance was contagious. 

Tony Horton
Tony Horton

The theme of this year’s conference was Dream Big- this was a game changer for me, both personally and professionally.  I have always had a hard time looking forward in my life.  When I’d sit down with professors or managers and was asked where I wanted to be in five years, it was rare that I had an answer.  Looking back, it’s clear that I was not in the right place.  I’m in the right place now and my experience this weekend only helps to solidify My Dream.

Since this conference was so powerful for me, I want to share with you some key takeaways - my a-ha moments!  Here are my top five plus some important updates at the bottom:

John C. Maxwell’s The Rule of Five

“You want to cut down a tree in your back yard.  Instead of cutting it down in one swing, everyday, take an ax, swing 5 times, and hit that tree.  It doesn’t matter how big the tree is, just consistently swing at the same tree.  One day, the tree will come down, with what seems like little effort."

-John C. Maxwell (paraphrased)

Best-selling author John C. Maxwell (Daily Dozen, How Successful People Think, and Today Matters) was the Keynote Speaker and I loved every second of his talk.  I wish I could share everything I learned from him, but that could take hours and as he says: Read the Book! 

For the sake of time, I will just share one of my favorite things from his talk: The Rule of Five.  The Rule of 5 is a series of activities that you do EVERY DAY that are fundamental to your success. Through discipline and diligence, you will achieve your life’s work. 

Step 1 to the Rule of Five is identifying your tree.  Step 2 is identifying your five required actions.  For John, his tree is writing books and his Rule of 5 are reading, filing, thinking, asking questions, and writing.  I’m still identifying my tree and Rule of Five.  What’s yours?

Beachbody’s Mission

Beachbody’s mission is so in-line with my own.  And it’s simple.

Help people achieve their goals and live healthy, fulfilling lives.

Unlike many other companies, this is NOT lip service.  After Summit, Beachbody CEO Carl Daikeler posted this on his Facebook page:

"Selling" just for the sake of numbers is for other companies. We are here to help people. So think about how you can "be more creative about showing people you truly care about them" and then get out there and do it.

Beachbody truly wants to change the world and END THE TREND of obesity.  So do I.  Perfect match.


Finding  A Tribe

Human beings can’t help it: We need to belong. One of the most powerful of our survival mechanisms is to be part of a tribe, to contribute to (and take from) a group of like-minded people.

-Seth Godin, Tribes


My Beachbody team is all over the U.S. and Canada, so even though we talk in pretty much every day, we rarely see each other face to face.  It was great to spend 3 days with my team – I feel really connected to these people. We are on the same path of helping people improve their lives.  This is my tribe.

I’m A Customer, Too

During one of the breakout training sessions, one of the trainers said “Don’t forget, you are a customer, too.”  I partnered with Beachbody because I use and enjoy their products and I truly believe that they provide real value.   Even if I wasn’t a Beachbody coach and never earned a penny from them, I would still sing the praises of Shakeology and talk about how kickass P90X and Insanity are... granted, maybe not as often, but I still would.

Productivity is Not Busy-ness

It’s the engineer in me - I LOVE learning about how to be more productive and efficient.  The training focused on being STRATEGIC ABOUT HOW YOU SPEND YOUR TIME, something that even the best of us time managers need to constantly keep in mind.  For more info on productivity and time management, check back next week for the release of my free eBook, You Don’t Have Time to Read This Book: 8 Strategies to Find More Time in Your Day.

Beachbody Product Updates


Summit was the launch of a brand-spankin-new program from Shaun T, the creator of Insanity and Hip Hops.  In my opinion, T-25 is a game changer as far as workouts are concerned – you see results in just 25 minutes a day!  Here’s the T-25 highlights:

  • Workout 5 days a week for 25 minutes (note: (2) 25 minute workouts are suggested but not required on Day 5)
  • Fully modifiable so ANY ONE CAN DO IT
  • Alpha, beta, and gamma phases are all 25 days (5 weeks) in length

T-25 (alpha and beta phases) is on sale as a bundle with Shakeology for $180 through the end of July.  That’s like getting T-25 for just $50 – a freaking dollar a day!  Intrigued?  Let’s chat to see if this is a good fit for you.

Vanilla Shakeology

Yes, you read that right.  Shakeology has finally made the leap into Vanilla.  The Shakeology team has been searching for years to find a clean, non-GMO, organic, ethically-farmed, sustainable source of Vanilla and they finally found it... in Madagascar! 

Beachbody has really high standards for what goes into Shakeology, so even though they found other products that met FDA guidelines, they went above and beyond to source this vanilla (another reason to love them).  This stuff is so yummy – it literally tastes like cake batter on its own and its a great base for flavor experimentation.  I tried a Vanilla Latte Shakeology and it was delish!  Interested in samples?  Email me.

Perhaps better than the Vanilla flavor, though, was learning that Beachbody has committed to the development of the Madagascar farming community that is supplying the vanilla.  They are providing training to farmers, ensuring fair prices, and helping to build schools.  If you know me, you know that international development is near and dear to my heart, so this really struck a chord with me.

Updates to Fit Club Membership

Staying true to Beachbody’s mission to support people in reaching their health and fitness goals, I have decided to offer the first 30-days of Rockin’ Hot Body Fit ClubFREE

Of course, I do encourage you to work with a Beachbody program and Shakeology, because I know these products work and will get you on the right path, but I understand that maybe you can’t afford to invest in a program right now or you’re skeptical about what the Fit Club is all about or you're not sure that working with a virtual coach will help you. 

Trust me, I TOTALLY understand your concerns – I had the same concerns when I joined my first challenge group.  So, try it on for size for 1-month for free.  You literally have nothing to lose and everything to gain.  Email me today so we can talk about your goals and get you started in my upcoming online group (starting July 8th).

Pantry on the Go: Healthy Snacks When You Need 'Em

I’ll admit it – I’m kind of a food snob.  Not in the way of judging others, but in the way that I like to be in total control of the foods that are available to me.  The last two weekends I’ve spent out of town and I’ve been partially or fully at the mercy of others for my food choices… needless to say, this did not make me happy.  So, I took matters into my own hands, planned ahead, and packed a Pantry on the Go.

What’s a Pantry on the Go?

A Pantry on the Go is just what it sounds like – a travel pantry.  Not only great for travel, having a well-stocked Pantry on the Go can you help make healthier food choices every day.  The pantry lives in your purse or computer or gym bag (you could even stock your desk at work!) – whatever you carry with you each day.  Load up your pantry with healthy snacks that pack protein, healthy fats, and complex carbs (like veggies) to keep you full, happy, and energized all day long

What are some of my favorite Pantry on the Go items?

This isn’t the first time I’ve raved about Shakeology®and it probably won’t be the last. 


This nutritional powerhouse meal replacement is packed with:

- Protein (both regular and vegan options provides COMPLETE protein with all nine essential amino acids) - Antioxidants (for a healthy heart, blood pressure, and to keep your immune system strong) - Vitamins and Minerals (I still take a handful of vitamins every day, but this really already gives me everything I need) - Phytonutrients (alkalizing and detoxifying) - Pre- and Probiotics(healthy bugs for your tummy; aid in digestion and nutrient absorption)

I usually keep packets around to give to clients as samples, so I just grabbed a few this weekend, but you can also throw some in a plastic baggie and you’re good to go.  I paired with some single serving coconut milk boxes and a shaker cup – this could just as easily be made with water or regular milk.

For more information on Shakeology®, email me.

  • Larabars

If you haven’t tried Larabar, what are you waiting for?  And, if you have, then you’ll probably as in love with them as I am.  

“LÄRABAR® is a delicious blend of unsweetened fruits, nuts and spices. Made from whole food, each flavor contains no more than nine ingredients. Pure and simple, just as nature intended.”

Currently available in 19 unique flavors like Apple Pie, Lemon Bar, and PB&J, Larabar offers something for everyone.  Stock up and have them ready to grab and go.  For more info visit

  • Fruit and veggie pouches (aka baby food)

I’m sure this one will seem a little strange to some, but I love the vacuum-sealed fruit and veggie purees made for babies and toddlers.  They typically have no added sugar, are high in fiber and vitamins, and are organic.  Happy Tot or Ella’s Kitchen are my go-to brands.  Tip: I buy them on sale and then freeze them until I need them.

ella's kitchen
ella's kitchen
  • Justin’s Nut Butter Packets

I think Justin’s nut butter packets were sent straight from heaven (or maybe that’s just what I tell the nut butter lover in me).  The packets come in flavors like Organic Peanut Butter, Classic Almond Butter, and Honey Almond Butter.  Each packet is filled with just over 2 tablespoons of “incredibly delicious, all natural” (according to Justin – and I have to agree) nut butter.  If you’re like me, you’ll probably squeeze the packet straight into your mouth, but you can also use on a sandwich or with fruits and veggies!

justins nutbutter
justins nutbutter

Check them out at

  • Mixed Nuts

Did you know that eating a handful of nuts a day can add years to your life expectancy?  It’s true!  Unfortunately, these little protein and fat powerhouses can be costly, so buy in bulk and package handfuls individually at home to save bucks.

  • Fruits and Veggies that Travel Well

Nothings better than fresh fruits and vegetables, but this can get tricky and bulky when traveling. I suggest picking a few fruits and veggies that travel well without requiring refrigeration or large packaging.  I usually opt for bananas or apples for fruits and green beans, snap peas, and carrot sticks for veggies.

In the comments, tell me what you’ll put in your Pantry on the Go?

Meet My New Business Partner.

While I'm really interested in providing one-on-one coaching to clients, I recently decided to bring another dimension to my coaching practice - another "tool in my toolbox" so to speak.  It was a decision I didn't take lately, as I don't believe in endorsing anything I can't 100% get behind, but when I looked at the alignment between my goals for Stephanie Cook Wellness and Beachbody, as a company, and considered the benefits their products have for some of my clients, I decided to COMMIT to building the relationship.

Watch my video to find out the three reasons why I decided to partner with Beachbody.

Want more info on Beachbody?  Follow the links to learn about Team Beachbody and Shakeology.

It's Easy Going Green.

Unless you live under a rock, you’ve probably heard someone referencing “green drinks” – green smoothies and juice.  With proponents like celebrities Dr. Oz and Oprah to wellness warrior Kris Carr singing the green smoothie’s praise, it’s hard not to be intrigued.  If you’re not riding the green smoothie train yet, here are 5 reasons why you should be:

1. Great On the Go

Ditch other grab-and-go options…  few meals can be quicker or more convenient than a green smoothie!  I use the Big Boss blender, so that I can blend in the cup and go (limited cleanup!).  For an even quicker turnaround, I load all my ingredients in my blender cup the night before so I only have about 2 minutes of work to do in the morning at mealtime. 

If morning routines aren't your thing, green smoothies will keep for up to 3 days in the refrigerator, so you can make a big batch and be ready to go for almost half the week.

2. Increase Fruits & Veggies

The daily recommended value for fruits and veggies if 5-13 per day.  Based on a 2009 survey by the Center for Disease Control, less than 35% of Americans are eating 2 or more fruits a day while only about 26% eat 3 or more vegetables a day.    Are you getting enough?  Adding a green smoothie is a fast and easy way to add fruits and veggies to your daily diet.

3. Alkalize Your Diet

High stress levels and foods and drinks like meat, dairy, coffee, and alcohol cause the body to become acidic and, over time, can wreak havoc on your body.  Additionally, in response to high acid levels, the body creates fat cells to store the acid, increase your percent body fat. Green smoothies help to alkalize the body (neutralizing the acid) and can, as a result, prevent weight gain.

4. Easy to Digest

Your digestive system needs to do very little to break down the contents of a smoothie, since, by nature, a smoothie is already broken down.  This gives your digestive system some much needed R&R!  Further, unlike green juices, green smoothies contain fiber which aids in healthy digestion and keeps you fuller longer.

5. High in Vitamins & Minerals

Leafy greens are high in calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, phosphorous, zinc and vitamins A, C, E, and K.  They’re also loaded with good-for-you folic acid and chlorophyll.

Here's my Go-To Green Smoothie recipe:

1 banana 1-2 handfuls of your favorite organic greens (romaine or baby spinach are great starters; kale, swiss chard, or collards have a stronger taste) ¼ medium cucumber (peeled) ¼ avocado 1 ½ cups filtered water or unsweetened almond milk

My favorite add-ins:

Shakeology Chia seeds Green tea powder Substitute ½ teaspoon coconut oil for avocado Handful of your favorite berries (raw or frozen)

Blend until smooth! And then get your green mustache on.

If you don’t like the taste, start with less veggies and more fruit.  Play with the proportions until you have more veggies than fruit and a drink you’ll love to enjoy several times a week!

Are you getting your green on?  Share your thoughts in the comments.