How I Grew Beyond My Resume

When I was working as an engineer, I overextended myself for resume cred.

I enrolled in a part-time Master’s program.  I volunteered as a project lead for an international project in my “spare time”. I applied for committee positions in various professional organizations.  I attended networking events (and hated every second of them).  I got licensed as a Professional Engineer.  I pursued LEED certification.  The list goes on and on…

If it was out there, I wanted it next to my name. 

Doing all these things made me look better on paper (I was constantly being recruited for new and exciting positions), but there was a problem with my strategy: I wasn’t actually learning how to be a better engineer, a better leader, a better mentor, OR a better person.

I was just focused on the next big thing to get ahead.

Now, one might argue that the experience and education I was receiving were planting the seeds that I needed to be a better engineer, leader, mentor, and person, but in reality, I was just going through the motions.  My focus was on getting ahead, not on development and growth.

I’d been taught to check the boxes, to be the first to the finish line, and that more is always better.  And I’d be damned if I wasn’t going to be the best at it.

Fast forward a few years… After I burned out and stepped away from my engineering career, one of the first things I did was pare down my commitments. 

Initially, it came out of necessity; I just didn’t have the energy to continue living and working that way. 

But then, I started to realize how good it felt to be in control of where I spent my time and energy.  For the first time in as long as I could remember, I felt fully present and invested in the choices that I was making for myself and my career.  Instead of focusing on what I “should” do, I was focused on what I really wanted to do – work that was exciting to me, new challenges in different industries, volunteering with organizations that shared my beliefs, and taking classes that propelled me to a whole new level, personally and professionally.

I stopped feeling defined by my credentials and started to see my value in terms of my priorities, my beliefs, my core values, and my innate strengths.

I had grown beyond my resume. 



Over the next few weeks, I’ll be exploring bringing more of YOU to the forefront in your work. 

Today, I’d love to hear from you: do you feel defined or pigeon-holed by your credentials and frustrated with all the things you “should” do?  Or have you found a way to bring your whole self to the table and be successful?

To Do: The Done List

Do you ever feel overwhelmed by your To-Do list and have too much to do at work ? Like - no matter what you do, it just keeps growing and growing and you just can't get ahead.Well, I've got a solution for you! Watch this week's quick video tip to learn a 5-minute strategy to help you stress less and celebrate more.

After you watch the video, comment below and share how this practice will help you stress less and CELEBRATE MORE.

How to Recover from Overload

I’ve officially rolled into August feeling burnt out.July was filled with a few too many 16 hour days, working weekends, and a severe lack of sleep. 

While my working habits over the last month aren’t ideal, I know that having real work life balance is all about give and take and the ability to regroup and prioritize when things get out of control. 

Balance is about dealing with the ebb and flow of life in a way that supports you and having the awareness to adjust when things get off track. 

work life balance
work life balance

So, now, with a new month and a fresh start at my fingertips, I’m focused on nurturing myself more in the midst of the chaos I’m just starting to wrap my head around.

Here’s what I’m doing to create more balance and recover from overload this month.

Get Away

Completely disconnecting, even if only for a few hours, is crucial to balance.  When I’m in the thralls of work-overload,  unplugging is just about the last thing imaginable, but it’s incredible what an afternoon sitting in the park, an escape to a yoga class, or hiding out in a movie theater  can do for your piece of mind.  Really want to up your game?  Escape with your guy for a weekend away (and don’t even think about taking work with you!)


Another key to balance is knowing where your priorities truly lie.  Spend some time journaling or meditating on what’s important to you and ways that you can squeeze that stuff in even when life gets hectic.  No clue where to start with identifying your priorities?  That’s what my complimentary Discovery Sessions are for.  Book one now.

Detox & Refresh

When work hours get long and we fall out of our normal routines, one of the first things to inevitably fall off track is how we fuel our bodies.  It means making the pizza delivery guy your new BFF, indulging in a few beers too many to take the edge off, and sometimes not eating at all. 

Get your body back in tip top shape in a flash with a quick little detox. I started off with the 3 Day Refresh coupled with some daily PiYo and am feeling lighter, fresher, and more clear headed.

Get Support

Why, why, why is it so hard to ask for help?  I’ll admit, I have an “I can do it” attitude and I often don’t realize I need help until I’m already in over my head.  What do you foresee as an issue this month and who can you enlist to help you through it?

I’m getting ahead of this month’s hiccups by bringing on the help I need early: my husband is helping with dinners & laundry, I’m including a housecleaner in my monthly budget, and I’m growing my team to include an assistant to help me stay on track.

When you’re recovering from a crazy time, what do you do to get back on track?

You'll Never Have Balance Without These 3 Things

I'm gonna keep this short and sweet.Listen - you CAN have balance: work that feels your soul and a life to match.  But we all know it doesn't come easy.  This week, I'm sharing the 3 things that you HAVE to do to achieve work life balance.

After you watch the video, comment below and share 1 thing you will do to create your dream life this week.